Blog-Post: How I regained concentration and focus

No sooner had I started a task the next thing I knew I was doing something else. I distracted myself by checking my email inbox every so often, and I was addicted to checking what was going on in the world on various news websites – constantly interrupting the original task. You’re perfectly right – this sounds completely insane. Somehow these bad habits had sneaked silently into my life.

News is to the mind what sugar is to the body.
Rolf Dobelli, Author, Entrepreneur

And then two lightning bolts struck almost simultaneously: a book and a blog post. I significantly changed my (digital) life as a result and within only two weeks I was able to get more done again, sleep better, and am significantly happier. The short version: news diet and productive smartphone use.

The article explains how I escaped this trap.

Smartphone neu konfiguriert

The article was also published on

Fun fact (aka Eigenlob)

This was my most successful publication ever.

It got a high rank on Hackernews

Rank 5 (it even got to #4 a while later)

Within 2 days, it got more than 65000 unique visitors, and made the INNOQ website sweat…

Erschienen 08-2022 in: INNOQ Blog

Autor(en): Dr. Gernot Starke

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