
Blog-Post: What's in a name: Legacy

The term “legacy” has a negative connotation in IT, and stands for an old, somehow bad piece of software. In real-life, legacy has a completely different and often positive meaning.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Quality

Das Wort Qualität verwenden wir umgangssprachlich für etwas “Gutes” – aber wir lassen meist offen, was wir darunter genau verstehen. Der Artikel zeigt, dass wir uns in dieser Hinsicht etwas exakter ausdrücken sollten.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Projekt (und Produkt)

Wir verwenden den Begriff „Projekt“ in der IT leider fälschlicherweise als Stellvertreter für Produkt oder System. Dabei sollten wir, insbesondere bei iterativ-inkrementeller Entwicklung, primär auf die entstehenden Ergebnisse, also das System, achten sowie auf dessen Geschäftswert, Qualität und Nützlichkeit. Der irrige Begriff Projekt lenkt davon ab.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Evaluate

The term evaluation is often used in the context of system and architecture reviews. In my opinion, this term is often misleading and such activities should be named differently.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Architecture

The term architecture is used with slightly different meanings throughout the IT industry. This post clarifies what (software) architecture is all about - and which misunderstandings might linger on your way to common understanding.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Bimodale IT

Der Ausdruck „bimodale IT“, manchmal auch „IT der zwei Geschwindigkeiten“, steht seit einiger Zeit auf der Agenda vieler IT-Manager ziemlich weit oben. Daher möchte ich hier einerseits den Begriff erklären, andererseits einige (persönliche) Einschätzungen dazu abgeben.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Transparency

The term transparent denotes something translucent, where light can shine through. It is, for example, used in context of economics (transparent markets), meaning markets where much is known by many, and nothing is hidden. Sometimes geeks tend to inverse this meaning, saying transparency where they mean opaqueness. This post illustrates that your favorite XY-framework by no means makes XY transparent for developers.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Consistency

The term consistency has several different meanings. This post identifies and clarifies those - especially consistency as synonym for conceptual integrity, one of the most important features for long-lasting software systems.


Blog-Post: What's in a name: Reactive

The term reactivity is overloaded with several different meanings. This post tries to identify and clarify a few of them…